Commission Chair Ruth S. Taylor announced that the Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission has appointed Jeffrey D. Emidy to serve as Executive Director.
(Middletown, R.I.) A historic church and churchyard in Middletown have received federal recognition for their contributions to the history of architecture, art, and community development.
(North Kingstown, R.I.) A historic enclave in North Kingstown has received federal recognition for its contributions to the history of architecture and community development.
(Woonsocket, R.I.) Jeffrey Emidy, Interim Executive Director of the Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission, announced that the National Park Service has clarified the boundaries of the Woonsocket Company/Bernon Mills Historic District and added information to the National Register of Historic Places nomination for this Woonsocket property.
The Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission will host Rhode Island's 44th Annual Heritage Festival on Saturday, September 17th, from 12 pm to 5 pm at the WaterFire Arts Center in Providence.
(Providence, R.I.) The Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission (RIHPHC), the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM), and elected officials gathered to celebrate the completion of the exterior restoration of the Old State House in Providence. Governor Daniel J. McKee, Lieutenant Governor Sabina Matos, and State Senator Samuel D. Zurier joined to recognize the top-notch preservation project completed by Rhode Island contractors earlier this year.