Resources for Professional Archaeologists

State Archaeological Site Files, Reports, and Maps
RIHPHC's archaeological site files, reports, and maps are available to qualified professional archeologists for research purposes, but not yet through an online system. While small research requests may be fulfilled via email at the discretion of RIHPHC's staff archaeologists, background research for most cultural resource management projects typically requires an office visit to retrieve, review, and reproduce relevant documents. Our office is located at:
The Old State House, 150 Benefit Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02903.
Please contact Charlotte Taylor (401-222-4140) to schedule your research visit.
State Archaeological Guidelines and Permitting
Professional archaeologists working under a permit from RIHPHC must comply with the 2021 Performance Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology in Rhode Island, which is available below as a pdf document.
RIHPHC issues archaeological permits for professional archaeological excavations that fall under our regulatory purview. A blank application form is available below as a Word document.
Archaeological Regulations
Rules and regulations pertaining to the protection of archaeological resources in Rhode Island derive from many sources. Key federal and state source are listed below.
Archaeological Resources Protection Act
Curation of Federally Owned and Administered Archaeological Collections (36 CFR 79)
Department of Transportation Act, Public Law 89-670, Section 4(f)
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
National Historic Preservation Act
National Environmental Policy Act
Protection and Enhancement of the Cultural Environment (Executive Order 11593)