2024 RI Archaeology Month Calendar

Rhode Island Archaeology Month promotes the state's rich archaeological heritage though a series of public events led by the professional community. All events are free and open to the public.
For more information about Rhode Island Archaeology Month, contact Kelsey Mullen.
Click each + for event details.
Ask an Archaeologist
North Burial Ground, 5 Branch Avenue, Providence
Saturday, October 5 | 10am Q+A followed by 10:30am walking tour
Providence’s North Burial Ground (NBG) is offering a walk-and-talk program with Dr. Jordi Rivera Prince. Along with her team of anthropology students, Dr. Rivera Prince has been working to document aspects of the NBG – come learn about their amazing work, mortuary archaeology, and the day-to-day of a professional archaeologist questions. Meet at the Rochambeau Gate, opposite Rochambeau Avenue. Parking on North Main Street.
Archaeological Excavations at Old Potterville School
316 Old Plainfield Pike, Scituate
Sunday, October 6 | 12 - 4pm
Join Scituate Preservation Society for archaeological investigations at the Old Potterville School. Archaeologists Kim Smith and Nathan Scholl will be excavating test pits and screening for artifacts. We welcome the people of all ages to attend, ask questions, hold pieces of history in their hands, and engage in local history. This program is intended to occur annually providing opportunities for Rhode Island residents to see archaeology in action.
Contact: kmsmith03@outlook.com and scituatepreservation@gmail.com
I Dig Slater Mill
Slater Mill, 67 Roosevelt Ave, Pawtucket
Saturday + Sunday, 10/12 + 13 | 10am - 3pm
Learn about the archaeological digs that have taken place at Old Slater Mill and see artifacts courtesy of the Slater Industrial Archives. Watch footage of archaeologists working on the site, try hands-on activities, and conduct a search for small treasures.
In addition to drop-in offerings, mill tours will be available at 10:30 AM., 12:30 PM., and 2:30 PM, free of charge. Visitors may also take part in a walking tour about the Pawtucket Village settlement. This walk will be led by Joshua Choiniere on Saturday, October 12 & 13, 2024, at 11:30 AM.
Thinking Like an Archaeologist
Antone Academic Center Rm. 105, Salve Regina University, Newport (56 Lawrence Ave)
Wednesday, October 16, | 5 - 7pm
Learn how archaeologists think by visiting the Noreen Stonor Drexel Cultural and Historic Preservation Lab. After a brief tour of the lab facilities and a demonstration of some of the equipment, you can work with a Salve student on analyzing artifacts. Touch the past as you learn how to identify stone tools from a 12,000-year-old campsite in Maine, clean up pottery from a forgotten gilded age mansion, or learn to apply dates to bottles from a colonial era home. Did you find a bottle in your yard to a pottery fragment on the beach? Bring it in and our archaeologists can help you identify why you have found.
Parking is available in the lot off Lawrence Avenue, and street parking is available.
Blackstone River State Park Archaeology Tour
Blackstone River State Park, 1075 Lower River Road, Lincoln
Saturday, October 26 | 10am
Join a Park Ranger as we explore each one of our six park sites on Saturdays this Fall. Tours will discuss the history of each site and its importance within the larger context of US history. Tours last about 60-90 minutes. Walking moderate distances on sometimes uneven terrain should be expected. Sturdy footwear, comfortable clothing, and water are suggested. This walk will cover some uneven terrain. If you have questions about accessibility, please contact Ranger Allison Horrocks.
More info: https://blackstoneheritagecorridor.org/event/blackstone-river-state-park-archaeology-tour/
Archaeology of College Hill Community Archaeology Day
in front of List Art Center, 64 College St, Brown University
Saturday, October 14 | 11am- 3pm
Be part of an active archaeological excavation! Brown University students will be digging on the grounds outside the List Art Building, uncovering the foundations of a 19th century home and processing artifacts from that household. Stop by (with your family or on your own) any time to see what our students are uncovering -- or even try your hand at digging. All ages are welcome.
Contact: joukowsky_institute@brown.edu or (401) 863-3188
Uncover Archaeology: Community Archaeology Day at the Joukowsky Institute
Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Rhode Island Hall, Brown University, Providence (60 George Street)
Saturday, October 14 | 11am- 3pm
Join the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World and the AIA Narragansett Society for an archaeology-themed open house on Brown University’s Main Green. See ancient coins from Greece and Rome up close! Touch animal bones! Examine and draw Persian and Roman ceramics, prehistoric tools, precious metals, and other artifacts from thousands of years ago – coached by experts! And talk with Brown’s archaeologists about their fieldwork all over the world! All ages are welcome.
Contact: joukowsky_institute@brown.edu or (401) 863-3188